PHP Interview Questions

While in case of download, How will you make a percentage bar showing current status of total 100%?

What are the different methods to optimize the MySQL query?
Latest Answer: It does not depend upon single entity. In order to optimize it you can look into following things. - Make sure table has primary key. - If there is any field which is used more frequently for searching then index it!. - The order of condition does ...

How will you connect to the Database using Joomla?
Latest Answer: What Vikas said is absolutely Correct. In Joomla there is no need to write the code for database connectivityIf we hosted the site local into web, we have to change the configuration.php fileIn that we have to mention the database username and password ...

How to call a C function within PHP?
Latest Answer: This is not strictly true.PHP has many native functions that have the same name as C functions, and which act in similar ways, but they are not C functions, they are PHP functions. ...

What is the purpose of ob_start() ?
Latest Answer: This function will redirect the output to a buffer. We can flush out the buffer ob_end_flush(). ob_start must be called before any output is made. so the apt place is immediately after opening the php tag. ...

Where does the session stored, either client side or server side?
Latest Answer: Sessions are like server-side cookie files that store variables that can be read from, or written to, by PHP scripts.Each session file is unique to the user request that created it and can only be accessed by subsequent requests from the same user. ...

If we have a button on a simple page and a user clicks on the button, then how we can come to know how many times the user has clicked on the button?
Latest Answer: You all are right. To make counter without database we can use cookies. Which will keep the count stats for 24 hours or for some defined time period.It will happen on the client side (COOKIES) only. Server side (SESSION) or Database will not be envolved ...

How do you upload videos using PHP & MySQL
Latest Answer: Whether Videos or Audios, those are nothing but binary files. You may upload them using simple HTML forms (using enctype=multipart/form-data) and may store they either in MySQL database BLOB type column (MySQL's binary data type storing column) or ...

Can you submit a form without using submit button? If Yes, How?
Latest Answer: If we set the refresh timeout to our page then it will submit our page form to server after certain time intervals.What do you say? ...

we have fetch_array to fetch a row from a result set... in what way the fetch_object function is useful... at which situation it is used? every question is like what is the difference and the answers is
Latest Answer: Procedural programmers do use functional and OOPs programmers use class and objects.So it's just a facility and not a burden on anybody. If you're following OOPs pattern then you may use mysql_fetch_object function, otherwise get ...

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